What Size Portable Solar Generator Do I Need?

Determining the size of a portable solar generator you need depends on several factors, including the devices you want to power, their energy consumption, and the duration you need to run them. Here are the steps to help you calculate the size of the portable solar generator suitable for your needs:

1. List Your Devices:

2. Determine Power Consumption:

3. Estimate Daily Energy Usage:

4. Total Daily Energy Consumption:

5. Consider Peak Sunlight Hours:

6. Add a Margin of Safety:

7. Choose a Portable Solar Generator:

Example Calculation:

Additional Considerations:

Remember that these calculations provide an estimate, and actual performance may vary based on weather conditions, solar panel efficiency, and other factors. It's advisable to consult with the manufacturer or a solar professional for specific recommendations based on your requirements.

Explore Portable Solar Generators Now